An Awakening in the Jungle
An Awakening in the Jungle is a story about a large giraffe named Lots of Spots, and a tiny mouse named Pinky who learn to appreciate each other despite their differences. The story and artwork, by Susan Sommer, discusses trying new experiences and working through their fears, ending in friendship. It is a story about inclusion and understanding.

This monograph entitled “Progression” was composed in 2014 and includes 13 paintings, 8 gouache, an artist’s statement, 2 poems written by the artist, and an essay by Peter Frank, Art Critic.
Plein Air Abstraction at the Foothills of the Catskill Mountains
Like a number of composers and other artists, Susan Sommer enjoys working out of doors, where the sounds and rhythms of the wind, the birds and the other creatures and elements of nature suggest color relations and designs which form the basis of her synesthetic paintings. The best of these recent works have been collected in the limited edition book Plein Air Abstraction. Sommer’s work formed the basis of of an exhibition with the same title that was seen in California at the Riverside Art Museum in 2008. It was organized by the art critic Peter Frank who has also written on Sommer’s work. The book includes essays by Robert Metzger Ph. D. and by the artist.
This limited edition monograph, signed and numbered, is available for purchase at $65.00 (plus $5.00 S&H, and 8% Sales Tax for delivery in New York State.)
Susan Sommer Oils, Charcoal & Pastels
Susan Sommer Oils, Charcoal & Pastels
Bob Bianco, Author (c) 1990 Barry Feinstein, Art Direction